\name{floodFill} \alias{floodFill} \title{Region filling} \description{ Fill regions in images. } \usage{ floodFill(x, pt, col, tolerance=0) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{Image} object or an array.} \item{pt}{Coordinates of the start filling point.} \item{col}{Fill color. This argument should be a numeric for Grayscale images and an R color for Color images.} \item{tolerance}{Color tolerance used during the fill.} } \value{ An \code{Image} object or an array, containing the transformed version of \code{x}. } \details{ Flood fill is performed using the fast scan line algorithm. Filling starts at \code{pt} and grows in connected areas where the absolute difference of the pixels intensities (or colors) remains below \code{tolerance}. } \author{ Gregoire Pau, Oleg Sklyar; 2007 } \examples{ x = readImage(system.file("images", "shapes.png", package="EBImage")) y = floodFill(x, c(67, 146), 0.5) if (interactive()) display(y) y = channel(y, 'rgb') y = floodFill(y, c(48, 78), 'red') y = floodFill(y, c(156, 52), 'orange') if (interactive()) display(y) x = readImage(system.file("images", "lena.gif", package="EBImage")) y = floodFill(x, c(226, 121), 1, tolerance=0.1) if (interactive()) display(y) }