\name{GeneCovColon} \docType{data} \alias{GeneCovColon} \title{Data from the Wood et al. 2007 and Sjoeblom et al. 2006 studies: Total number of nucleotides "at risk" ("coverage")} \description{Total numbers of nucleotides "at risk" that were successfully sequenced in RefSeq genes in the colon cancer portion of the Wood et al. 2007 and Sjoeblom et al. 2006 studies.} \usage{data(WoodColon07)} \format{ Total number of nucleotides available for mutations ("coverage") in the colon cancer portion of the Wood et al. and Sjoeblom et al. studies, broken down by \emph{gene}, \emph{screen} (Discovery or Prevalence), and \emph{mutation type}, composed of the wild type nucleotide and its context. The object is a data frame, with the variables: Gene, Screen, WtNuc (wild type nucleotide), Context, and Coverage. The two possible values for Screen are Disc ("Discovery") and Prev ("Prevalence"). The nucleotides availables for indels are all the successfully sequenced nucleotides in a gene; the corresponding rows have a "" entry for WtNuc and an "All" entry for "Context." The nucleotides availables for other mutations are excluding nucleotides which can only give rise to synonymous mutations. } \references{ Wood LD, Parsons DW, Jones S, Lin J, Sjoblom T, Leary RJ, Shen D, Boca SM, Barber T, Ptak J, et al. The genomic landscapes of human breast and colorectal cancers. \emph{Science.} DOI:10.1126/science.1145720 Sjoeblom T, Jones S, Wood LD, Parsons DW, Lin J, Barber T, Mandelker D, Leary R, Ptak J, Silliman N, et al. The consensus coding sequences of human breast and colorectal cancers. \emph{Science.} DOI: 10.1126/science.1133427 Parmigiani G, Lin J, Boca S, Sjoeblom T, Kinzler WK, Velculescu VE, Vogelstein B. Statistical methods for the analysis of cancer genome sequencing data. \url{http://www.bepress.com/jhubiostat/paper126/} } \seealso{ \code{cma.scores}, \code{cma.fdr}, \code{cma.set.stat}, \code{cma.set.sim}, \code{SimMethodsSims-class}, \code{GeneAlterColon}, \code{GeneSampColon} } \keyword{datasets}