\name{runFastHeinz} \alias{runFastHeinz} \title{ Calculate heuristically maximum scoring subnetwork } \description{ The function uses an heuristic approach to calculate the maximum scoring subnetwork. Based on the given network and scores the positive nodes are in the first step aggregated to meta-nodes between which minimum spanning trees are calculated. In regard to this, shortest paths yield the approximated maximum scoring subnetwork. This function can be used if a CPLEX license is not available to calculate the optimal solution. } \usage{ runFastHeinz(network, scores) } \arguments{ \item{network}{ A graph in \emph{igraph} or \emph{graphNEL} format. } \item{scores}{ A named vector, containing the scores for the nodes of the network. All nodes need to be scored in order to run the algorithm. } } \value{ A subnetwork in the input network format. } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \seealso{ \code{\link{writeHeinzEdges}}, \code{\link{writeHeinzNodes}}, \code{\link{readHeinzTree}}, \code{\link{readHeinzGraph}}, \code{\link{runHeinz}} } \examples{ library(DLBCL) # load p-values data(dataLym) # load graph data(interactome) # get induced subnetwork for all genes contained on the chip interactome <- subNetwork(dataLym$label, interactome) p.values <- dataLym$t.pval names(p.values) <- dataLym$label bum <- fitBumModel(p.values, plot=TRUE) scores <- scoreNodes(network=interactome, fb=bum, fdr=0.0001) module <- runFastHeinz(network=interactome, scores=scores) \dontrun{plotModule(module)} }