\name{readHeinzTree} \Rdversion{1.4} \alias{readHeinzTree} \title{ Convert HEINZ output to tree } \description{ Converts the HEINZ output to a tree in graph format. If the output is in matrix form, it will create a list of graphs. The function needs the node and edge file and the original network from which the module is calculated. } \usage{ readHeinzTree(node.file, edge.file, network, format=c("graphNEL", "igraph")) } \arguments{ \item{node.file}{ Heinz node output file. } \item{edge.file}{ Heinz edge output file. } \item{network}{ Original network from which Heinz input was created. } \item{format}{ Output format of the graph, either \emph{igraph} or \emph{graphNEL}. } } \value{ A graph object. } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \examples{ library(DLBCL) data(interactome) # precomputed Heinz output files \dontrun{lib <- file.path(.path.package("BioNet"), "extdata") module <- readHeinzTree(node.file=file.path(lib, "lymphoma_nodes_001.txt.0.hnz"), edge.file=file.path(lib, "lymphoma_edges_001.txt.0.hnz"), network=interactome, format="graphNEL"); plotModule(module); } }