\name{plotLLSurface} \Rdversion{1.4} \alias{plotLLSurface} \title{ Log likelihood surface plot } \description{ The function plots the log likelihood surface for all a and lambda parameter of the beta-uniform mixture model. } \usage{ plotLLSurface(x, opt=NULL, main="Log-Likelihood Surface", color.palette = heat.colors, nlevels = 32) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Numeric vector of p-values.} \item{opt}{List of optimal parameters for a and lambda from the beta-uniform mixture model.} \item{main}{The overall title of the plot.} \item{color.palette}{Color scheme of the image plot.} \item{nlevels}{Number of color levels.} } \author{ Marcus Dittrich } \examples{ library(DLBCL) data(dataLym) pvals <- dataLym$t.pval names(pvals) <- dataLym$label mle <- fitBumModel(pvals, plot=FALSE) plotLLSurface(x=pvals, opt=mle) }