\name{loadNetwork.sif} \alias{loadNetwork.sif} \title{ Load network from Cytoscape sif file } \description{ The function loads a network from a Cytoscape sif file. Edge attributes are provided in the ea.file or vector of ea.files. The node attributes are provided the same way. For other formats see \emph{read.graph} in the igraph package. } \usage{ loadNetwork.sif(sif.file, na.file, ea.file, format=c("graphNEL", "igraph"), directed=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{sif.file}{ Cytoscape sif file, containing the network. } \item{na.file}{ File or vector of file with Cytoscape node attibutes. } \item{ea.file}{ File or vector of file with Cytoscape edge attibutes. } \item{format}{ Format of output graph, either \emph{graphNEL} or \emph{igraph}. } \item{directed}{ Boolean value for directed or undirected graph. } } \value{ Graph with loaded attributes. } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \examples{ \dontrun{lib <- file.path(.path.package("BioNet"), "extdata") # load interaction file, node attribute file with a node weight of 2 for each node and the edge attribute file with a edge weight of 1 for each edge network <- loadNetwork.sif(sif.file=file.path(lib,"cytoscape.sif"), na.file=file.path(lib,"n.weight.NA"), ea.file=file.path(lib,"weight.EA"), format="graphNEL", directed=FALSE); network; nodeData(network); edgeData(network); } }