\name{hist.bum} \Rdversion{1.4} \alias{hist.bum} \title{ Histogram of the p-value distribution with the fitted bum model } \description{ The function plots a histogram of the p-values together with the fitted bum-model. } \usage{ \method{hist}{bum}(x, breaks=50, main="Histogram of p-values", xlab="P-values", ylab="Density", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Maximum likelihood estimator object of the beta-uniform mixture fit.} \item{breaks}{Breaks for the histogram.} \item{main}{An overall title for the plot.} \item{xlab}{A title for the x axis.} \item{ylab}{A title for the y axis.} \item{\dots}{Other graphic parameters for the plot.} } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \seealso{\code{\link{fitBumModel}}, \code{\link{hist.bum}}, \code{\link{bumOptim}}} \examples{ data(pvaluesExample) pvals <- pvaluesExample[,1] mle <- fitBumModel(pvals, plot=FALSE) hist(mle) }