\name{getCompScores} \alias{getCompScores} \title{Partition scores for subgraphs of the network} \description{ The function partitions the scores into scores for each subgraph of the network. } \usage{ getCompScores(network, score) } \arguments{ \item{network}{A network in \emph{graphNEL} or \emph{igraph} format.} \item{score}{Vector of scores.} } \value{ A data frame with the components of the network and the score for each PPI identifier. } \author{Marcus Dittrich} \examples{ library(DLBCL) data(interactome) data(dataLym) # create random subgraph with 100 nodes and their direct neighbors nodes <- nodes(interactome)[sample(length(nodes(interactome)), 100)] subnet <- subNetwork(nodeList=nodes, network=interactome, neighbors="first") score <- dataLym$score001 names(score) <- dataLym$label getCompScores(score=score, network=subnet) }