\name{fdrThreshold} \alias{fdrThreshold} \title{ Calculate p-value threshold for given FDR } \description{ The function calculates the p-value threshold tau for a given false discovery rate. Tau is used for the scoring function. } \usage{ fdrThreshold(fdr, fb) } \arguments{ \item{fdr}{False discovery rate.} \item{fb}{Model from the beta-uniform mixture fitting.} } \value{ P-value threshold tau. } \references{ S. Pounds, S.W. Morris (2003) Estimating the occurrence of false positives and false negatives in microarray studies by approximating and partitioning the empirical distribution of p-values. \emph{Bioinformatics}, 19(10): 1236-1242. } \author{Marcus Dittrich} \seealso{\code{\link{fbum}}, \code{\link{fitBumModel}} } \examples{ data(pvaluesExample) pvals <- pvaluesExample[,1] bum.mle <- fitBumModel(pvals, plot=FALSE) tau <- fdrThreshold(fdr=0.001, fb=bum.mle) tau }