\name{consensusScores} \Rdversion{1.4} \alias{consensusScores} \title{ Calculation of a consensus score for a network } \description{ The function calculates consensus scores for a network, given a list of replicate modules. } \usage{ consensusScores(modules, network, ro=length(modules)/2) } \arguments{ \item{modules}{Calculated modules from pseudo-replicates of expression values in \emph{igraph} or \emph{graphNEL} format.} \item{network}{Interaction network, which shoupld be scores. In \emph{igraph} or \emph{graphNEL} format} \item{ro}{Threshold which is subtracted from the scores to obtain positive and negative value. The default value is half of the number of replicates.} } \value{ A result list is returned, consisting of: \item{N.scores}{Numerical vector node scores.} \item{E.scores}{Numerical vector edge scores.} \item{N.frequencies}{Numerical vector node frequencies from the replicate modules.} \item{E.frequencies}{Numerical vector edge frequencies from the replicate modules.} } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \examples{ library(DLBCL) data(interactome) network <- interactome # precomputed Heinz modules from pseudo-replicates \dontrun{lib <- file.path(.path.package("BioNet"), "extdata") modules <- readHeinzGraph(node.file=file.path(datadir, "ALL_n_resample.txt.0.hnz"), network=network) cons.scores <- consensusScores(modules, network) } }