\name{compareNetworks} \alias{compareNetworks} \title{ Compare parameters of two networks } \description{ The function compares the following parameters of two networks: diameter, average degree, degree exponent, average path length and plots the cumulative degree distributions. The networks have to be connected components. } \usage{ compareNetworks(network1, network2, plot=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{network1}{ Network \emph{graphNEL} or \emph{igraph} format. } \item{network2}{ Second network in \emph{graphNEL} or \emph{igraph} format, or subnetwork drawn from first network. } \item{plot}{ Boolean value, whether to plot the cumulative degree distributions. } } \value{ A vector of network parameters is returned: \item{diam.network1}{Network diameter} \item{diam.network2}{Diameter of the subnetwork} \item{av.degree.network1}{Average degree of the network} \item{av.degree.network2}{Average degree of the subnetwork} \item{degree.exponent.network1}{Degree exponent of the network} \item{degree.exponent.network2}{Degree exponent of the subnetwork} \item{av.path.length.network1}{Average path lenght of the network} \item{av.path.length.network2}{Average path length of the subnetwork} } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \examples{ library(DLBCL) data(interactome) subnet1 <- largestComp(subNetwork(nodes(interactome)[1:100], interactome)) subnet2 <- largestComp(subNetwork(nodes(interactome)[101:200], interactome)) compareNetworks(network1=subnet1, network2=subnet2) }