\name{aggrPvals} \alias{aggrPvals} \title{ Aggregate several p-values into one p-value } \description{ The function aggregates several p-values into one p-value of p-values based on the order statistics of p-values. An overall p-value is given by the \emph{i}th order statistic. } \usage{ aggrPvals(pval.matrix, order, plot=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{pval.matrix}{ Numeric matrix of p-values, columns represent different sets of p-values } \item{order}{ Numeric constant, the order statistic that is used for the aggregation. } \item{plot}{ Boolean value whether to plot p-value distributions. } } \value{ Aggregated p-value of the given order. } \author{ Daniela Beisser } \examples{ data(pvaluesExample) aggrPvals(pval.matrix=pvaluesExample, order=2) }