\name{BCRANKout} \alias{BCRANKout} \docType{data} \title{BCRANK results for USF1 ChIP-chip data} \description{ Results from running \code{bcrank} on USF1 whole genome ChIP-chip data for the human liver cell line HepG2. } \usage{data(BCRANKout)} \source{ Data from whole genome ChIP-chip experiments on human liver cell line HepG2. (Rada-Iglesias, A., et \emph{al}. 2007) } \references{ Rada-Iglesias, A., et \emph{al}. (2007) Whole-genome maps of USF1 and USF2 binding and histone H3 acetylation reveal new aspects of promoter structure and candidate genes for common human disorders.\emph{Genome Research}, Accepted } \seealso{ \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}} } \keyword{datasets}