\name{processing-options} \title{Functions to work with ArrayExpressHTS processing options} \alias{getDefaultFilteringOptions} \alias{getDefaultProcessingOptions} \alias{getDefaultRCloudOptions} \description{ Functions to get default ArrayExpressHTS processing options. } \usage{ getDefaultFilteringOptions() getDefaultProcessingOptions() getDefaultRCloudOptions() } \arguments{ No arguments. } \value{ These functions return default options used for ArrayExpressHTS processing. Function \code{getDefaultFilteringOptions} returns a \code{list} of filtering options. These options control filtering of BAM files after alignemnt. \item{\code{mismatches}}{ \code{2} by default, number of mismatches } \item{\code{chr_ignore}}{ \code{c("MT")} by default, reference names to ignore } \item{\code{minqual}}{ \code{10} by default } \item{\code{minmapq}}{ \code{1} by default } \item{\code{maxN}}{ \code{2} by default } \item{\code{maxpol}}{ \code{0.75} by default, ither a proportion (<0) or an integer } \item{\code{duplicates}}{ \code{"remove"} by default, supported value: \code{"keep"}, \code{"remove"} } \item{\code{multihits}}{ \code{"remove"} by default, supported value: \code{"keep"}, \code{"remove"} } \item{\code{gapped}}{ \code{"remove"} by default, supported value: \code{"keep"}, \code{"remove"} } --- Function \code{getDefaultProcessingOptions} returns a \code{list} of options used throught the processing. These options control alignment and counting. These options include: \item{\code{stranded}}{ \code{FALSE} by default, set to \code{TRUE} if a strand specific protocol was used } \item{\code{insize}}{ \code{NULL} by default, the insert size, an integer, which will be automatically determined if set to \code{NULL} } \item{\code{insizedev}}{ \code{NULL} by default, insert size deviation, an integer, which will be automatically determined if set to \code{NULL} } \item{\code{reference}}{ \code{"genome"} by default, controlls whether alignment is performed using \code{"genome"} or \code{"transcriptome"} reference. } \item{\code{aligner}}{ \code{"tophat"} by default, supported values are: \code{"tophat"}, \code{"bowtie"}, \code{"bwa"} or \code{"custom"} } \item{\code{aligner_options}}{ \code{NULL} by default, string of options to be passed to the aligner according to manual. } \item{\code{count_feature}}{ \code{"transcript"} by default, count over \code{"gene"} or \code{"transcript"} } \item{\code{count_method}}{ \code{"cufflinks"} by default, supported: \code{"cufflinks"}, \code{"mmseq"} or \code{"count"} } \item{\code{count_options}}{ options for count software } \item{\code{standardise}}{ \code{FALSE} by default, supported: \code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE} } \item{\code{normalisation}}{ \code{"rpkm"} by default, supported: \code{"none"} or \code{"rpkm"} } \item{\code{filter}}{ \code{"TRUE"} by defult, supported: \code{"TRUE"}, \code{"FALSE"} } \item{\code{filtering_options}}{ these are the default filtering options, see above. } --- Function \code{getDefaultRCloudOptions} returns a set of R Cloud options related to R Cloud resources and execution flow. These include: \item{\code{nnodes}}{ \code{"automatic"} by default, supported: \code{"automatic"} or a numeric value, e.g. \code{10} } \item{\code{pool}}{ \code{"32G"} by default, supported: \code{"4G"}, \code{"8G"}, \code{"16G"}, \code{"32G"}, \code{"64G"} } \item{\code{nretries}}{ \code{4} by default, a numberic value. } } \seealso{ \code{\link{getPipelineOptions}}, \code{\link{ArrayExpressHTS}}, \code{\link{ArrayExpressHTSFastQ}} } \author{ Andrew Tikhonov , Angela Goncalves } \examples{ # get filtering options getDefaultFilteringOptions() # get alignment and counting options getDefaultProcessingOptions() # get R Cloud options getDefaultRCloudOptions() }