\name{ArrayExpressHTS} \alias{ArrayExpressHTS} \title{ ExpressionSet for RNA-Seq experiment submitted in ArrayExpress and ENA } \description{ \code{ArrayExpressHTS} runs the RNA-Seq pipeline on a transcription profiling experiment available on the ArrayExpress database and produces an \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} R object. \code{ArrayExpressHTS} requires an Internet connection. } \usage{ ArrayExpressHTS( accession, options = list ( stranded = FALSE, insize = NULL, insizedev = NULL, reference = "genome", aligner = "tophat", aligner_options = NULL, count_feature = "transcript", count_options = "", count_method = "cufflinks", filter = TRUE, filtering_options = NULL ), usercloud = TRUE, rcloudoptions = list ( nnodes = "automatic", pool = c("4G", "8G", "16G", "32G", "64G"), nretries = 4 ), dir = getwd(), refdir = getDefaultReferenceDir(), want.reports = TRUE, stop.on.warnings = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{accession}{ an ArrayExpress experiment accession identifier, e.g. "E-GEOD-16190" } \item{options}{ defines pipeline options } \item{usercloud}{ defines if the R Cloud will be used to parallel experiment computation, if \code{FALSE}, experiment data files will be processed sequentially. } \item{rcloudoptions}{ defines R Cloud options - umber of nodes in the cluster, server pool and number of attempts to allocate a cluster. Only valid if \code{usercloud} is \code{TRUE} } \item{dir}{ folder where experiment data will be stored and processed. Default is current directory. } \item{refdir}{ the directory where reference data is located. } \item{want.reports}{ defines if quality reports are produced. Reports usually make computation longer and eat up more memory. For faster computation use \code{FALSE}. } \item{stop.on.warnings}{ self explanatory. Warnings are normally producesd when there are inconsistencies, which however would allow the result to be produced. } } \value{ The output is an object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} containing expression values in \code{assayData} (corresponding to the raw sequencing data files), the information contained in the .sdrf file in \code{phenoData}, the information in the adf file in featureData and the idf file content in experimentData. If executed on a local PC, make sure that tools are available to the pipeline. Check \code{\link{prepareAnnotation}} to see what needs to be done to make tools available. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ArrayExpressHTSFastQ}}, \code{\link{prepareReference}}, \code{\link{prepareAnnotation}}, \code{\link{prepareAnnotation}} \code{\link{getDefaultProcessingOptions}}, \code{\link{getPipelineOptions}}, } \author{ Andrew Tikhonov , Angela Goncalves } \examples{ if (isRCloud()) { # disabled on local configs # so as not to affect package building process # if executed on a local PC, make sure tools # are available to the pipeline. expfolder = tempdir(); # run the pipeline # aehts = ArrayExpressHTS("E-GEOD-16190", dir = expfolder); # load the expression set object loadednames = load(paste(expfolder, "/E-GEOD-16190/eset_notstd_rpkm.RData", sep="")); loadednames; get('library')(Biobase); # print out the expression values # head(assayData(eset)$exprs); # print out the experiment meta data experimentData(eset); pData(eset); } }