\name{drawStat} \alias{drawStat} \alias{drawStat,data.frame-method} \title{draw P-values and enrichment scores for all lysine sites on a specific protein} \description{ This function is used to show P-values and enrichment scores for all lysine sites on a specific protein. } \usage{ drawStat(curveInfoDataFrame, proteinIds=NULL, outputDir=NULL, figKind=c("pdf","jpeg")) \S4method{drawStat}{data.frame}(curveInfoDataFrame, proteinIds=NULL, outputDir=NULL, figKind=c("pdf","jpeg")) } \arguments{ \item{curveInfoDataFrame}{data.frame object: contains curve information for all proteins, see example.} \item{proteinIds}{character vector: only draw curves for proteins with ids appear in this vector. \cr default: draw curves for all the proteins appear in curveInfoDataFrame.} \item{outputDir}{character(1), output directory name for all the figures.} \item{figKind}{character(1), fig format: \code{"pdf"} or \code{"jpeg"}.} } \details{ This function is used to draw P-values and enrichment scores for all lysine sites on a specific protein. The X-axis shows positions of all lysine sites on a specific protein, and Y-axis shows the enrichment scores (0~1) and P-values (0~1) for each lysine site. The data.frame object contains curve information is given by \code{\link{asebProteins}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{SequenceInfo}}, \code{\link{readSequence}}, \code{\link{asebSites}}, \code{\link{asebProteins}}, \code{\link{drawEScurve}}. } \examples{ backgroundSites <- readSequence(system.file("extdata", "background_sites.fa", package="ASEB")) prodefinedSites <- readSequence(system.file("extdata", "predefined_sites.fa", package="ASEB")) testProteins <- readSequence(system.file("extdata", "proteins_to_test.fa", package="ASEB")) resultList <- asebProteins(backgroundSites, prodefinedSites, testProteins, permutationTimes=100) #drawEScurve(resultList$curveInfo, max_p_value=0.5, min_es=0, outputDir=tempdir(), figKind="jpeg") drawStat(resultList$curveInfo, outputDir=tempdir(), figKind="jpeg"); cat("see figures in output dir:", tempdir(),"\n") } \keyword{methods}