CHANGES IN VERSION 1.12 ----------------------- NEW FEATURES o Results of conditional independence tests with qpCItest() are now returned using the R standard htest class o qpCItest() allows one to test mixed interactions involving phenotypic data variables and expression profiles in ExpressionSet objects, and phenotypic/genetic variables and expression profiles in smlSet objects o qpEdgeNrr() estimates the non-rejection rate involving phenotypic data variables and expression profiles in ExpressionSet objects, and phenotypic/genetic variables and expression profiles in smlSet objects CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10 ---------------------- NEW FEATURES o estimation of mixed interactions for genetical genomics data via mixed graphical model theory. o qpBoundary() to explore sparsity in graphs estimated from non-rejection rates. o MLE of covariance matrices via the Hastie-Tibshirani-Friedman (HTF) algorithm (Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, 2009, pg. 634), which enables a much faster simulation of these matrices via qpG2Sigma() than with the previous version based on the IPF algorithm, and much faster MLE of partial correlations via qpPAC(). o uniform sampling of d-regular graphs in qpRndGraph() with the algorithm of Steger and Wormald (1990) BUG FIXES o proper handling of master node identification with snow so that parallel computations work again with snow versions > 0.3-3 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8 ---------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o progress is reported now through the standardized 'txtProgressBar()' function from the 'utils' package CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6 ---------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o updated the functions that work with covariance, correlations, adjacency and non-rejection rate matrices to employ more efficient matrix classes from the Matrix package o handling of covariance matrices as 'dspMatrix' objects via the recommended 'Matrix' package o qpFunctionalCoherence() now takes an input list of transcriptional regulator modules NEW FEATURES o estimation of completion time for calculations via the 'estimateTime' argument o progress reporting to the functions using parallel support o a new function qpCov() and its man page to calculate sample covariance matrices returning them as 'dspMatrix' objects. Fixed some NAMESPACE and dependence issues o network reporting through qpPlotNetwork o network reporting through qpTopPairs o calculation of the generalized non-rejection rate through the function qpGenNrr() o parallel computation of average non-rejection rates in qpAvgNrr() via snow and rlecuyer o parallel computation of non-rejection rates in qpNrr() via snow and rlecuyer o qpUpdateCliquesRemoving() to update a clique list after an edge removal o qpUnifRndAssociation() to generate correlations between -1 and +1 uniformly at random o parallel computation of gene ontology enrichment calculations in qpFunctionalCoherence() BUG FIXES o fixed some buggy bits of the interaction with the Matrix package o removed unnecessary calls to INTEGER() and REAL() within long loops in the C code in order to speed it up o binary adjacency matrices (and not only logical ones) are now also handled by qpFunctionalCoherence() CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4 ---------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o added a NEWS file o fixed help page of qpCliqueNumber o implemented the C code of the clique number lower bound. o fixed the handling of user interruption during long calculations o updated some help pages o re-organization of the functions to sample synthetic data from multivariate normal distributions BUG FIXES o added ifnotfound=NA in mget call within .qpFilterByGO to avoid errors when Entrez Gene IDs are given that do not exist as keys o fixes on the documentation o added R_CheckUserInterrupt() to the C code of the IPF algorithm CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2 ---------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o updated few details on the main package help page o added R_CheckUserInterrupt() to the heavy computations in C o changed default value of identicalQs parameters to TRUE o documentation mismatches fixed on some function arguments NEW FEATURES o the new calculation of NRR with identical Q subsets BUG FIXES o fixed a minor bug on reporting progress of calculations o fixed a minor bug on identifying variable names on matrices CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0 ----------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o fixed package name in the CITATION file o the qpTxRegNet vignette has been modified in order to reduce memory requirements o add an import line to the DESCRIPTION file o remove quotes from the import calls in the NAMESPACE file o add a zzz.R file with a GOenv function to load variables GOTERM and GOBPPARENTS o modify qpFunctionalCoherence to properly load variables GOTERM and GOBPPARENTS in order to sort out their notes of "no visible binding" o remove braces from references in EcoliOxygen.Rd o changed LaTeX package mathptm to mathptmx in the qpTxRegNet vignette o turn the first letter of the package title into a capital letter o replace 'qp' by 'qpgraph' in the main package help file o name of the package changed from 'qp' to 'qpgraph' o the corresponding manual pages for these generic methods have been modified to comply with the S4 methods documentation guidelines. o added the possibility of passing an ExpressionSet, a data frame or a matrix of observations to the qpEdgeNrr function using S4 generics and qpEdgeNrr o added the possibility of passing an ExpressionSet, a data frame or a matrix of observations to the qpCItest function using S4 generics o introduction of S4 generics for qpNrr, qpAvgNrr, qpPAC, qpPCC, qpCItest o qpDscale is now exported to the user and a manual page has been created o malloc calls in C code have turned into R_malloc and the corresponding free calls have been removed NEW FEATURES o functions qpNrr, qpAvgNrr and qpGraph admit now parameters 'pairup.i' and 'pairup.j' that allow to restrict the pairs of variables on which we estimate the non-rejection rate (qpNrr and qpAvgNrr) or from which we derive a qp-graph given a threshold o a new function qpAnyGraph has been added in order to obtain an undirected graph by thresholding any matrix of pairwise measurements in an analogous way to the functionality of the function qpGraph o a new function qpFunctionalCoherence has been added to estimate functional coherence of the qpgraphs with respect to available GO annotations. This includes also a new private function .qpFilterbyGO o seeds for random number generations have been specified in a couple of places within the vignette qpTxRegNet in order to enforce reproducing exactly the same numbers under the random sampling schemes used in the estimation of non-rejection rates and when drawing random correlations for the random method BUG FIXES o calloc and realloc calls in C code have turned into Calloc and Realloc and the corresponding free calls have been turned into Free calls (start date: 20 October, 2008)