\name{specDist.cosine} \docType{methods} \alias{specDist.cosine} \alias{specDist.cosine,matrix,matrix-method} \title{a Distance function based on matching peaks} \description{This method calculates the distance of two sets of peaks using the cosine-distance.} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{peakTable1 = "matrix", peakTable2 = "matrix"}{ \code{ specDist.cosine(peakTable1, peakTable2, mzabs = 0.001, mzppm = 10, mzExp = 0.6, intExp = 3, nPdiff = 2, nPmin = 8, symmetric = FALSE) } } }} \details{ The result is the cosine-distance of the product from weighted factors of mz and intensity from matching peaks in the two peaktables. The factors are calculated as wFact = mz^mzExp * int^intExp. if no distance is calculated (for example because no matching peaks were found) the return-value is NA. } \arguments{ \item{peakTable1}{a Matrix containing at least m/z-values, row must be called "mz"} \item{peakTable2}{the matrix for the other mz-values} \item{mzabs}{maximum absolute deviation for two matching peaks} \item{mzppm}{relative deviations in ppm for two matching peaks} \item{symmetric}{use symmetric pairwise m/z-matches only, or each match} \item{mzExp}{the exponent used for mz} \item{intExp}{the exponent used for intensity} \item{nPdiff}{the maximum nrow-difference of the two peaktables} \item{nPmin}{the minimum absolute sum of peaks from both praktables} } \usage{ specDist.cosine(peakTable1, peakTable2, mzabs=0.001, mzppm=10, mzExp=0.6, intExp=3, nPdiff=2, nPmin=8, symmetric=FALSE) } \author{Joachim Kutzera, \email{jkutzer@ipb-halle.de}} \keyword{methods}