\name{ramp} \alias{rampInit} \alias{rampPrintFiles} \alias{rampIsFile} \alias{rampOpen} \alias{rampClose} \alias{rampCloseAll} \alias{rampNumScans} \alias{rampScanHeaders} \alias{rampSIPeaks} \alias{rampRawData} \alias{rampRawDataMSn} \title{High-performance, low-level access to mzXML/mzData files} \description{ Functions for low-level access to data in mzXML/mzData files. They have been optimized for maximum speed and memory efficiency. } \usage{ rampInit() rampPrintFiles() rampIsFile(filename) rampOpen(filename) rampClose(rampid) rampCloseAll() rampNumScans(rampid) rampScanHeaders(rampid) rampSIPeaks(rampid, seqNum, peaksCount) rampRawData(rampid) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{path to mxXML/mzData file} \item{rampid}{RAMP file ID} \item{seqNum}{integer vector with indecies of scans to read} \item{peaksCount}{ integer vector with number of peaks in each scan to read } } \details{ The mechanisms and structure of mzXML/mzData files are not discussed here, please see the mzXML/mzData documentation for more information. These functions make use of the RAMP (Random Access Minimal Parser) code from the SASHIMI open-source project. \code{rampInit} initializes the data structures used for holding RAMP file pointers and indices. \code{rampPrintFiles} prints out a list of all files currently open. \code{rampCloseAll} closes all mzXML/mzData files and frees memory associated with their indices. } \value{ \code{rampIsFile} returns \code{TRUE} if the referenced file is an mzXML or mzData file and \code{FALSE} otherwise. \code{rampOpen} returns the \code{rampid} of the opened file. \code{rampClose} returns the closing status. \code{rampNumScans} returns the number of scans with an msLevel of 1. \code{rampSIPeaks} returns a named list with components \code{scanindex}, \code{mz}, and \code{intensity}. \code{rampScanHeaders} returns a data frame with header information for each scan. \code{rampRawData} returns a named list with components \code{rt}, \code{tic}, \code{scanindex}, \code{mz} and \code{intensity}. \code{rampRawDataMSn} returns a named list with components of MSn data \code{rt}, \code{acquisitionNum}, \code{precursorMZ}, \code{precursorIntensity} \code{peaksCount}, \code{msLevel}, \code{precursorCharge}, \code{scanindex}, \code{collisionEnergy}, \code{mz} and \code{intensity}. An error in any of the functions will return a (negative) integer error code. } \references{ mzXML file format: \url{http://sashimi.sourceforge.net/software_glossolalia.html} mzData file format: \url{http://psidev.sourceforge.net/ms/index.html} } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \examples{ \dontrun{ library(msdata) mzdatapath <- system.file("iontrap", package = "msdata") mzdatafiles<-list.files(mzdatapath, pattern = "extracted.mzData", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) mzdatafiles id<-xcms:::rampOpen(mzdatafiles) id head<-xcms:::rampScanHeaders(id) MS1data<-xcms:::rampRawData(id) MS2data<-xcms:::rampRawDataMSn(id) xcms:::rampClose(id) str(MS2data) str(MS1data) str(head) } } \keyword{file} \keyword{internal}