\name{tweeDEseq-internal} \alias{tweeDEseq-internal} \alias{loglikPoissonTweedie} \alias{loglikPoissonTweedie2} \alias{momentEstimates} \alias{shapeTrend} \alias{loglikGlmPT} \alias{glmPT.fit} \title{Internal 'tweeDEseq' functions} \description{Internal tweeDEseq functions} \usage{ loglikPoissonTweedie(p, x, mu, verbose = FALSE, tol = 1e-15, probs = FALSE, w = NULL) loglikPoissonTweedie2(p, a, x, mu, verbose = FALSE, tol = 1e-15, probs = FALSE, w = NULL) momentEstimates(x, w) shapeTrend(x) loglikGlmPT(par, X, Y, offset = NULL, allFactors=FALSE, a=NULL, tol=1e-300, maxCount, verbose = FALSE) glmPT.fit(X, Y, offset=NULL, allFactors=FALSE, a = NULL, maxCount = 2000, ...) } \details{These are not to be called by the user} \keyword{internal}