\name{vExplorer} \alias{vExplorer} \alias{viewVignette} \title{An interface to interact with vignette code chunks} \description{ This function provides a widget for viewing, editing, and executing code chunks of vignettes. } \usage{ vExplorer(title = "BioC Vignettes Explorer", pkgName = "", font = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "unix", "arial 14", "arial 11")) viewVignette(title, packName, vigPath, font = "arial 11") } \arguments{ \item{title}{character string for the name to be displayed as the title of the widget to interact with code chunks.} \item{pkgName}{vector (of length 1 for \code{pkgName}) of character strings for names of Bioconductor packages the code chunks of whose vignettes will be explored.} \item{packName}{same as pkgName} \item{vigPath}{character string for the full qualified name of a vignette to be explored.} \item{font}{a character string for the name and size of the font to be used for text rendered on the widgets (e. g. "arial 11")} } \details{ By default, \code{packNames = ""}, all the installed packages will be examined and those that have vignettes will be listed to allow users to choose from. } \value{ This function does not return any useful value. } \references{\url{http://www.bioconductor.org}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \note{This function is part of the Bioconductor project at Dana-Faber Cancer Institute to provide Bioinformatics functionalities through \R. } \examples{ if(interactive()){ require("DynDoc", character.only = TRUE) require("tools", character.only = TRUE) require("widgetTools", character.only = TRUE) vExplorer() path <- .path.package("widgetTools") vigList <- pkgVignettes("widgetTools") viewVignette("BioC VignetteBrowser", "widgetTools", vigList$docs) } } \keyword{interface}