\name{tkSampleNames} \alias{tkSampleNames} \title{Simple interface to associate sample names with files} \description{ This widget provides an interface to enter names to be associated with files containing array expression information related to a particular sample.} \usage{ tkSampleNames(\dots, filenames = character(0)) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ the filenames to be associated with a sample name, supplied individually and/or as a character vector} \item{filenames}{a character vector of filenames to be associated with a sample name.} } \details{ \code{\link[Biobase:class.AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame-class}} objects will use sample names as row names for its pData. The colnames of the expression matrices in \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet-class}} use this as well. Many times, each of these columns are obtained from a file. Rather than use the, sometimes ugly, filename we can use the sample names that this interface associates with each file. The function returns a character matrix intended to be used to create sample names in AnnotatedDataFrame and ExpressionSet. However, the function can be used independently of the Biobase package. } \value{ A character matrix with the first column the filenames the second column the sample names to associate. } \author{Majnu John} \seealso{\code{\link[Biobase:class.AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame-class}}} \keyword{interface}