\name{stdType} \alias{stdType} \alias{stdView} \title{Provide Default Behavior for listSelect Helper Functions} \description{ The function \code{\link{listSelect}} takes two functions which define how the type information and content of \R objects will be shown on the widget created by \code{listSelect}. Functions \code{stdType()} and \code{stdView()} provide the default behavior. } \usage{ stdType(toCheck) stdView(toView) } \arguments{ \item{toCheck, toView}{arbitrary \R object.} } \details{ These functions can be viewed as exmaples of defining functions for the \code{typeFun} and \code{valueFun} arguments of the \code{\link{listSelect}} function. } \value{ %% FIXME: \code{stdType()} returns a character string describing the type of the \R object. \code{stdView()} } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{listSelect}}} \examples{ stdType(123) stdType("What am I") str(mydf <- data.frame(x = 2:8, ch = letters[1:7])) stdType(mydf)# "list" stdType(stdType) if(interactive()) {## stdView() needs UI: stdView(1:10) stdView(mydf) } } \keyword{misc}