\name{setArgsList} \alias{setArgsList} \alias{whatDeli} \alias{getMoreArgs} \alias{assignArgs} \alias{getArgs} \alias{assignShowNum} \alias{getShowNum} \alias{assignCState} \alias{getCState} \alias{assignColInfo} \alias{getColInfo} \alias{setColInfos} \alias{changeState} \alias{setNewState} \alias{addArgs} \alias{dropArgs} \alias{setSkip} \alias{moreArgs} \alias{dropColumn} \alias{setColName} \alias{setColType} \alias{assignLineData} \alias{getLineData} \title{Functions to support importWizard} \description{ The functions are to support importWizard and may not have much practical use otherwise. } \usage{ setArgsList(filename, env, isFile = TRUE, init = TRUE) whatDeli(delimiter) getMoreArgs() assignArgs(value, env) getArgs(env) assignShowNum(value, env) getShowNum(env) assignCState(value, env) getCState(env) assignColInfo(value, env) getColInfo(env) setColInfos(types, env) changeState(canvas, backBut, nextBut, env, forward = TRUE, endBut, viewBut) setNewState(env, backBut, nextBut, forward = TRUE, endBut, viewBut) addArgs(env) dropArgs(env) setSkip(widget, env, state = "state1") moreArgs(env) dropColumn(index, env) setColName(index, entryBox, env) setColType(index, entryBox, env) assignLineData(lineData, env) getLineData(env) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{\code{filename} a character string for the full name of a file} \item{env}{\code{env} an R environment object for storing information} \item{delimiter}{\code{delimiter} a character string for the delimiter whose letter representation is sought} \item{value}{\code{value} a character or numerical value to be assigned to a variable} \item{backBut}{\code{backBut} a tkwin object for the button that shifts back to the previous state} \item{nextBut}{\code{nextBut} a tkwin object for the button that shifts to the next state} \item{forward}{\code{forward} a boolean indicating the direction of state change} \item{widget}{\code{widget} a tcltl widget} \item{state}{\code{state} a character string for the state of importing process} \item{index}{\code{index} an integer for the index of the list for column information} \item{entryBox}{\code{entryBox}} a tcltk entry box. \item{canvas}{\code{canvas} a tcltk canvas} \item{types}{\code{types} a vecter of string indicating the types of data columns} \item{lineData}{\code{lineData} a vector of character strings read in using \code{\link{readLines}}} \item{endBut}{\code{endBut} a tkwin object for the button that ends the process when pressed} \item{viewBut}{\code{viewBut} a tkwin object for the button that refresh the window when pressed} \item{init}{\code{init} a boolean that is TRUE when the widget is first set up and FALSE otherwise} \item{isFile}{\code{isFile} a boolean that is TRUE if \code{fileName} is a file} } \details{ \code{\link{setArgsList}} calls function \code{\link{guess.sep}} to figure out the the header, sep, and data type of a file and sets the values for argument list and colInfo. \code{\link{whatDeli}} gets the word representation of delimiters (e.g. tab for "\\t"). \code{\link{getMoreArgs}} generates a widget using widgetTools to collect some of the arguments for read.table. \code{\link{assignArgs}} updates "argsList" stored in a predefined environment. \code{\link{getArgs}} Gets "argsList" from a predefined environment. \code{\link{assignShowNum}} Updates the value for "showNum" (number of rows to show in the interface. \code{\link{getShowNum}} Gets the value for "showNum" (number of rows to show in the interface. \code{link{assignCState}} Updates the value of "currentState" that is stored in a predefined environment. \code{\link{getCState}} Gets the vlaue of "currentState" that is stored in a predefined environment. \code{\link{assignColInfo}} Updates the values of "colInfos" (column information) that is stroed in a predefined environment. \code{\link{getColInfo}} Gets the values of "colInfos" (column information) that is stroed in a predefined environment. \code{\link{setColInfos}} Creates colInfo objects and sets the value of 'colInfos' list. \code{\link{changeState}} changes the state and thus the interface of a widget. \code{\link{setNewState}} sets the state of a importing process. \code{\link{addArgs}} adds a new state to the argument list for states. \code{\link{dropArgs}} removes a state from the argument list for states. \code{\link{setSkip}} Sets the value for the number of lines to skip when readling a data file. \code{\link{moreArgs}} Gets some of the arguments for importing data using \code{\link{read.table}}. \code{\link{dropColumn}} Sets the index values for data columns that are going to be droped when read using \code{\link{read.table}}. \code{\link{setColName}} Sets the column names for a data file by getting column names from correct entry boxes. \code{\link{setColType}} Sets the column type for a data file by getting column type information from correct entry boxes. } \value{ \code{\link{whatDeli}} returns a character string. \code{\link{getMoreArgs}} returns a list of arguments. \code{\link{getArgs}} returns a list of the arguments for read.table. \code{\link{getShowNum}} returns an integer for the number of rows to show. \code{\link{getCState}} returns a character string for the current state. \code{\link{getColInfo}} returns a colInfo object contains column information. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{importWizard}}} \examples{ # No example is given as functions require the set up of the working # environment. } \keyword{misc}