\name{pickObjs} \alias{pickObjs} \alias{noAuto} \title{Determine What to Be Sent to a Widget} \description{ This function takes a vector of object names and determines what will be sent to (e.g. the \code{\link{objectBrowser}}) widget for display based on the default and user input requirements. } \usage{ pickObjs(objNames, fun = noAuto) noAuto(x) } \arguments{ \item{objNames}{\code{objNames} character vector with object names to be processed} \item{fun}{\code{fun} function checking the object names for satisfaction of certain requirement} \item{x}{\code{x} a character string for the name of an object} } \details{ Packages and environments are always displayed. } \value{ Character vector of object names that satisfy the requirements. } \author{Jianhua (John) Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{objectBrowser}}} \examples{ # Returns names of package and environment objects in the search path. pickObjs(search()) } \keyword{manip}