\name{fileWizard} \alias{fileWizard} \title{A function that import a text file into R} \description{ Given a file name, this function imports the text file into R. } \usage{ fileWizard(filename = "", fun = read.table, file = "file", basic = c("header", "sep"), getFocus = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{A character string for the name of the text file to be imported} \item{fun}{An R function that is going to be used to read the file. Default to \code{\link{read.table}}} \item{file}{A character string for the name of the argument to fun that defines the name of the file to be read} \item{basic}{A vector of character strings for names of the arguments to fun that will have separate entry boxes on the widget to be produced. Default to "header" and "sep"} \item{getFocus}{\code{getFocus} a boolean indicating whether a widget should grab the focus} } \details{ This function is only partially finished and will be improved soon. It currently allows uesrs to view a given file and change the settings for header and sep arguments of read.table. A file will be read in based on the values of the two arguments and return. } \value{ This function returns a data frame for the file read in. } \references{R News Vol. 1/3, September 2001} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{fileBrowser}}} \examples{ if(interactive()) { # Only the interface is displyed as no real file is given fileWizard() } } \keyword{interface}