\name{dbArgsWidget} \alias{dbArgsWidget} \title{Function to build a widget for inputing database arguments} \description{ This functions creates a interactive widget to allow users to input arguments for database connection for Unix. } \usage{ dbArgsWidget() } \details{ Database arguments include database name, user name, password, host name, and table name. } \value{ The function returns a list containing the following elements: \item{dbname}{a charater string for the name of the database} \item{host}{a character string for the name or IP address of the host machine} \item{user}{a character string for the name of the user} \item{password}{a character string for the password} \item{tablename}{a character string for the name of the database table} } \references{Rdbi} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{argsWidget}}} \examples{ if(interactive()){ test <- dbArgsWidget() } } \keyword{interface}