\name{args2XML} \alias{args2XML} \title{Converting the formal arguments to a function and converts into an XML format} \description{ This function reads the formal arguments to a given function and converts the content into an XML format } \usage{ args2XML(fun, xml.name = "", full.names = NULL, priority = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{fun}{\code{fun} name of the function of interests} \item{xml.name}{\code{xml.name} a character string for the name of the xml file holding the content of the formal arguments to the function} \item{full.names}{\code{full.names} a vector of character string with full description of each of the formal arguments to the function. The order of apperance of each description much correspond to the oreder of their appeerance in the formal argument list} \item{priority}{\code{priority} a vector of integers or character strings indicating the priority of the arguments.} } \details{ Priority values are currently used to determine whether the argument will appear on a widget that has entry boxes for modifying the values of the arguments. Users of args2XML may not have any concern of the priority values } \value{ No value will be returned. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{fileWizard}}} \examples{ fullNames <- c("Full path names", "Pattern to match", "Visiable file names", "Include path") args2XML(list.files, "temp.xml", fullNames, c(1, 2, 2, 2)) readLines("temp.xml") unlink("temp.xml") } \keyword{misc}