\name{DPExplorer} \alias{DPExplorer} \alias{getTopLevel} \alias{loadDataPkg} \title{Functions constuct a widget to explore BioC's data packages} \description{ These functions construct a widget that allow users to visually explore a data package of Bioconductor and read selected elements to R } \usage{ DPExplorer(pkgName = "", title = "BioC Data Package Explorer", getFocus = TRUE) getTopLevel(title) loadDataPkg(pkgName) } \arguments{ \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of a Bioconductor's data package that has already been loaded} \item{title}{\code{title} a character string for the title of the widget} \item{getFocus}{\code{getFocus} a boolean indicating whether a widget should grab the focus} } \details{ If \code{pkgName} is not provided when \code{\link{DPExplorer}} is called, an entry box is available for users to put a \code{pkgName} in later. In either cases, the data package specified by \code{pkgName} should have been loaded. \code{\link{getTopLevel}} creates a top level window for the widget. \code{\link{loadDataPkg}} filters out valid environment objects from a data package. } \value{ If only one key is selected, \code{\link{DPExplorer}} returns a vector of one to more elements. If more than one key is selected, \code{\link{loadDataPkg}} returns a list of vectors. \code{\link{getTopLevel}} returns a tkwin object for the top level window. \code{\link{loadDataPkg}} returns a vector of character strings for available data environments. } \references{Documents for a Bioconductor data package} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ if(interactive() && require("hgu95av2", character.only = TRUE)){ DPExplorer("hgu95av2") } } \keyword{interface}