\name{plotAlongChromLegend} \alias{plotAlongChromLegend} \title{Plot a legend for genomic features} \keyword{hplot} \description{Plot a legend for genomic features} \usage{ plotAlongChromLegend(vpr, nr=2, featureColorScheme=1, featureExclude=c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match", "insertion"), mainLegend, cexLegend=0.35, cexMain=1) } \arguments{ \item{vpr}{vector specifying where to place the legend in figure (set up by using the \code{viewport} function from the grid package. When this function is called directly by the user this argument should be left missing.} \item{nr}{numeric scalar, specifying the number of rows to plot legend over (default value is 2).} \item{featureColorScheme}{numeric scalar, used to select a color scheme for the boxes representing genomic features such as coding sequences, ncRNAs etc. Currently the only value supported is 1.} \item{featureExclude}{character vector of names of feature types (in \code{gff}) that should not be plotted. Default is \code{"chromosome"}, \code{"nucleotide_match"} and \code{"insertion"}. Additional possible candidates include: \code{"ARS"}, \code{"repeat\_region"}, \code{"repeat\_family"} and \code{"nc\_primary\_transcript"}.} \item{mainLegend}{character vector specifying legend title.} \item{cexLegend}{numeric scalar specifying the magnification to be used for the legend text relative to the current text size.} \item{cexMain}{numeric scalar specifying the magnification to be used for the legend title relative to the current text size.} } \details{ This function is usually called by \code{plotAlongChrom} when \code{doLegend} is TRUE. It can also be called directly by the user to produce a separate legend. The following features are included in the legend (unless excluded using the \code{featuredExclude} option): \code{"chromosome"}, \code{"nucleotide_match"}, \code{"pseudogene"}, \code{"uORF"}, \code{"nc_primary_transcript"}, \code{"region"}, \code{"repeat_family"}, \code{"repeat_region"}, \code{"transposable_element"}, \code{"transposable_element_gene"}, \code{"ARS"}, \code{"centromere"}, \code{"telomere"}, \code{"insertion"}, \code{"CDS"}, \code{"CDS_dubious"}, \code{"ncRNA"}, \code{"tRNA"}, \code{"snRNA"}, \code{"rRNA"}, \code{"snoRNA"}, \code{"binding_site"} and \code{"TF_binding_site"}.} \author{Wolfgang Huber } \examples{## plotAlongChromLegend(mainLegend="Legend")}