\name{breakpointsPretend} \alias{residuals.breakpointsPretend} \alias{breakpoints.breakpointsPretend} \title{Accessor methods for breakpointsPretend objects - not to be called by the user.} \description{ Accessor methods for breakpointsPretend objects - not to be called by the user. These functions are used in the interface between the \code{segmentation} class and the \code{\link[strucchange:confint.breakpointsfull]{confint.breakpointsfull}} method of the strucchange package. This method calls \code{breakpoints} and \code{residuals} methods for its first argument, and since we pass an argument of S3 class \code{breakpointsPretend}, we can avoid the overhead of the corresponding methods for \code{breakpointsfull} objects. These functions are of no interest to the user. } \usage{ \S3method{residuals}{breakpointsPretend}(object, breaks, ...) breakpoints.breakpointsPretend(obj, breaks, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a breakpointsPretend object.} \item{obj}{a breakpointsPretend object.} \item{breaks}{dummy argument, is ignored.} \item{...}{futher arguments.} } \value{residuals and breakpoints.} \author{W. Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \keyword{manip}