\name{generateModels} \Rdversion{1.0} \alias{generateModels} \title{Generating models with the given data} \description{ 'generateModels' recreates models based on the parameters stored in a scoreList. } \usage{ generateModels(preprocData, scores) } \arguments{ \item{preprocData}{The preprocessed data to be used.} \item{scores}{A scoreList object containing data of the models to be generated.} } %\details{ % 'generateModels' first creates a model with 'gpsimCreate' or 'gpdisimCreate'. Then 'gpsimExpandParam' or 'gpdisimExpandParam' is used to generate the original models without having to optimize them again. %} \value{ 'generateModels' returns a list of the generated models. } \author{Antti Honkela, Jonatan Ropponen} \seealso{ \code{\link{GPLearn}, \link{GPRankTargets}, \link{GPRankTFs}, \linkS4class{scoreList}}. } \examples{\dontrun{ # Load a mmgmos preprocessed fragment of the Drosophila developmental # time series data(drosophila_gpsim_fragment) # Get the target probe names targets <- c('FBgn0003486', 'FBgn0033188', 'FBgn0035257') library(annotate) aliasMapping <- getAnnMap("ALIAS2PROBE", annotation(drosophila_gpsim_fragment)) twi <- get('twi', env=aliasMapping) fbgnMapping <- getAnnMap("FLYBASE2PROBE", annotation(drosophila_gpsim_fragment)) targetProbes <- mget(targets, env=fbgnMapping) scores <- GPRankTargets(drosophila_gpsim_fragment, TF=twi, testTargets=targetProbes, options=list(quiet=TRUE), filterLimit=1.8) models <- generateModels(drosophila_gpsim_fragment, scores) }} \keyword{model}