\name{tnetfit} \alias{tnetfit} \title{Ternary Network Fitting} \description{ This function fits a ternary network based on perturbation experiments. } \usage{ tnetfit(steadyStateObj, perturbationObj, params=ternaryFitParameters(), xSeed=NA) } \arguments{ \item{steadyStateObj}{a matrix of steady gene expression observations from a perturbation experiment. Rows are genes and columns are experiments.} \item{perturbationObj}{a matrix of perturbation experiments. Rows are genes and columns are experiments.} \item{params}{a ternaryFitParameters object} \item{xSeed}{an integer random seed. If NA, a random seed is generated.} } \value{ The function returns a ternaryFit object. } \author{Matthew N. McCall and Anthony Almudevar} \seealso{Almudevar A, McCall MN, McMurray H, Land H (2011). Fitting Boolean Networks from Steady State Perturbation Data, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 10(1): Article 47.} \examples{ ssObj <- matrix(c(1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1),nrow=3) pObj <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),nrow=3) rownames(ssObj) <- rownames(pObj) <- colnames(ssObj) <- colnames(pObj) <- c("Gene1","Gene2","Gene3") tnfitObj <- tnetfit(ssObj, pObj) } \keyword{manip}