\name{metaplot.surv} \alias{metaplot.surv} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Meta-analysis plot (forest plot)} \description{ Plot confidence intervals with boxes indicating the sample size/precision and optionally a diamond indicating a summary confidence interval. This function is usually called by \code{plot} methods for meta-analysis objects. Additional, you can specifiy your own lower and upper boarder from the confidence interval. } \usage{ metaplot.surv(mn, se=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, nn=NULL, labels=NULL, conf.level = .95, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = NULL, summn = NULL, sumse = NULL, sumlower = NULL, sumupper = NULL, sumnn = NULL, summlabel = "Summary", logeffect = FALSE, lwd = 2, boxsize = 1, zero = as.numeric(logeffect), colors, xaxt="s", logticks=TRUE, ... ) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{mn}{point estimates from studies} \item{se}{standard errors of \code{mn}} \item{lower}{Vector of lower ends of confidence intervals} \item{upper}{Vector of upper ends of confidence intervals} \item{nn}{precision: box ares is proportional to this. \code{1/se^2} is the default} \item{labels}{labels for each interval} \item{conf.level}{Confidence level for confidence intervals} \item{xlab}{label for the point estimate axis} \item{ylab}{label for the axis indexing the different studies} \item{xlim}{the range for the x axis.} \item{summn}{summary estimate} \item{sumse}{standard error of summary estimate} \item{sumlower}{lower end of confidence intervals of summary estimate} \item{sumupper}{upper end of confidence intervals of summary estimate} \item{sumnn}{precision of summary estimate} \item{summlabel}{label for summary estimate } \item{logeffect}{\code{TRUE} to display on a log scale } \item{lwd}{line width} \item{boxsize}{Scale factor for box size} \item{zero}{"Null" effect value} \item{xaxt}{use \code{"n"} for no x-axis (to add a customised one)} \item{logticks}{if \code{TRUE} and \code{logscale}, have tick values approximately equally spaced on a log scale}. \item{colors}{see \code{\link{meta.colors}}} \item{\dots}{Other graphical parameters } } \value{ This function is used for its side-effect. } \seealso{ \code{\link{forestplot.surv}} for more flexible plots } \examples{ metaplot.surv(mn=c(0.4,0.5,0.6), lower=c(0.35,0.4,0.57), upper=c(0.45,0.6,0.63), labels=c("A","B","C"), xlim=c(0.2,0.8), boxsize=0.5, zero=0.5, col=rmeta::meta.colors(box="royalblue",line="darkblue",zero="firebrick")) } \keyword{ hplot }