\name{logpl} \alias{logpl} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to compute the log partial likelihood of a Cox model } \description{ The function computes the log partial likelihood of a set of coefficients given some survival data. } \usage{ logpl(pred, surv.time, surv.event, strata, na.rm = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{surv.time}{ vector of times to event occurrence } \item{surv.event}{ vector of indicators for event occurrence } \item{pred}{ linear predictors computed using the Cox model } \item{strata}{ stratification variable } \item{na.rm}{ \code{TRUE} if the missing values should be removed from the data, \code{FALSE} otherwise } \item{verbose}{ verbosity of the function } } %\details{} \value{ vector of two elements: \code{logpl} and \code{event} for the estimation of the log partial likelihood and the number of events, respectively } \references{ Cox, D. R. (1972) "Regression Models and Life Tables", \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B}, \bold{34}, pages 187--220. } \author{ Benjamin Haibe-Kains } %\note{} \seealso{ \code{\link[survival]{coxph}}, \code{\link{cvpl}} } \examples{ require(survival) set.seed(12345) age <- rnorm(100, 50, 10) stime <- rexp(100) cens <- runif(100,.5,2) sevent <- as.numeric(stime <= cens) stime <- pmin(stime, cens) dd <- data.frame("stime"=stime, "sevent"=sevent, "age"=age) ##Cox model coxm <- coxph(Surv(stime, sevent) ~ age, data=dd) ##log partial likelihood of the null model logpl(pred=rep(0, nrow(dd)), surv.time=stime, surv.event=sevent) ##log partial likelihood of the Cox model logpl(pred=predict(object=coxm, newdata=dd), surv.time=stime, surv.event=sevent) ##equivalent to coxm$loglik } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ survival }