\name{plot.SpliceSites} \alias{plot.SpliceSites} \alias{plot.Probes} \title{ plot a SpliceSites object } \description{ plot objects. } \usage{ \method{plot}{Probes}(x, col="black", xlab = "sequence", ylab = "probes", add=FALSE, probepos.yscale=NULL, xlim=NULL, ...) \method{plot}{SpliceSites}(x, col.typeI = "orange", col.typeI.window = "yellow", col.typeII = "red", add=FALSE, ylim=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ object of class \code{Probes} or \code{SpliceSites}. } \item{col}{ color argument for the probes. } \item{col.typeI}{ color argument for the type I splice sites } \item{col.typeI.window}{ color argument for the type I `window' } \item{col.typeII}{ color argument for the type II splice sites } \item{add}{ add the plot to an existing plot. Make a new plot if `FALSE'} \item{probepos.yscale}{ scaling argument } \item{xlim, ylim}{range of plotting window} \item{xlab, ylab}{labels for the axis} \item{\dots}{ optional parameters to be passed to the function \code{plot}. } } \details{ If the parameter \code{main} is not specified, the function tries to extract the attribute `name' from \code{x}. The two functions can be combined to display both objects on the same plot. } \value{ The range for the y-axis is returned whenever needed (see \code{invisible}). } \references{"Standardized output for putative alternative splicing; a R package as an application to combine them with microarray data", Gautier L. Dao C. and Yang U.C., 2003, submitted.} \author{ Laurent } \seealso{\code{\link{SpliceSites-class}}} \examples{ data(spsites) plot(spsites, main=attr(spsites, "name")) sp.pData <- spsites@spsiteIpos.pData ##col <- as.integer(factor(sp.pData$tissue)) ##plot(spsites, col.typeI=col, main=attr("name", spsites)) } \keyword{ hplot }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS