\name{isProbeOnSpliceSite} \alias{isProbeOnSpliceSite} \alias{isSpliceSiteOnProbe} \title{ Check the presence of probes on certain exons } \description{ Return whether the probes are located on exons involved in (putative) alternative splicing or not. } \usage{ isProbeOnSpliceSite(probes, spSites) ## isSpliceSiteOnProbe is not yet implemented } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{probes}{ object of class \code{Probes}} \item{spSites}{ object of class \code{spliceSites}} } \details{ } \value{ The returned value in a list of two vectors of mode \code{logical} of the same length: \item{isintypeI}{whether the probes are in a `type I' region or not.} \item{isintypeII}{whether the probe are in a `type II' region or not.} } \references{ For details about `type I' and `type II', please refer to Huang Y.-H and Chen Y.-T and Lai J.-J. and Yang S.-T. and Yang U.-C., PALSdb: Putative Alternative Splicing database, Nucleic Acids Research, 2002, pages 186-190 } \author{ Laurent } \examples{ } \keyword{ manip }