\name{barplot.SpliceSites} \alias{barplot.SpliceSites} \title{barplot for SpliceSites} \description{ Displays a barplot of the associated AnnotatedDataFrame. } \usage{ \method{barplot}{SpliceSites}(height, type.as = c("typeI", "typeII", "all"), info = "tissue", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{height}{object of class \code{\link{SpliceSites-class}}.} \item{type.as}{the type of alternative splicing (see \code{SpliteSites-class} for further details).} \item{info}{the name of the covariate in the AnnotatedDataFrame (see details).} \item{\dots}{optional parameters to be passed to the underlying function \code{\link{barplot}}.} } \details{ When the objects are built from the XML format we propose as an exchange, the parameter \code{info} can at least take the values \code{"tissue"} and \code{"histology"}. One can refer to the slots \code{spsiteIpos.pData} and \code{spsiteIIpos.pData} to know what are the possible choices. } \value{ See the value returned by the function \code{\link{barplot}}. } \seealso{\code{\link{SpliceSites-class}}, \code{\link{barplot}}} \examples{ data(spsites) barplot(spsites) } \keyword{hplot}