\name{SPADE.installPlugin} \alias{SPADE.installPlugin} \title{ Install CytoSPADE Cytoscape plugin } \description{ Install, CytoSPADE, the Cytoscape plugin for working with SPADE that is distributed with the SPADE R package. CytSPADE provides a GUI for setting-up SPADE analyses and interactively visualizing the results. } \usage{ SPADE.installPlugin(cytoscape_path) } \arguments{ \item{cytoscape_path}{ Path to your Cytoscape install, e.g., on OSX it is typically something like '/Applications/Cytoscape_v2.8.1' } } \details{ Copies the Cytoscape plugin file distributed with the SPADE R package to the Cytoscape plugin directory. } \value{ Logical indicating success of the copy operation. } \author{ Michael Linderman } \examples{ # On OSX: # SPADE.installPlugin("/Applications/Cytoscape_v2.8.1/") }