\name{SPADE.downsampleFCS} \alias{SPADE.downsampleFCS} \title{ Downsample observcations in a FCS file according to density parameter } \description{ Downsample the observations in a FCS file according to a previously computed density parameter. The goal is to produce a smaller set of observations with similar density. Downsampling is independent of how the density is modeled. } \usage{ SPADE.downsampleFCS(infilename, outfilename, exclude_pctile = 0.01, target_pctile = 0.05, desired_samples = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{infilename}{ Name of the input FCS file. Must have a parameter named "density". } \item{outfilename}{ Name of the output FCS file } \item{exclude_pctile}{ Numeric value in [0,1]. Densities below this percentile will be excluded. } \item{target_pctile}{ Numeric value in [0,1]. Densities below this percentile, but above \option{exclude_pctile} will be retained. Only meaningful if \option{desired_samples} is \code{NULL}. } \item{desired_samples}{ Desired number of samples. If set to integer value, the target percentile will be set internally to downsample to approximately the desired number of samples. } } \value{ The name of the written file is returned } \author{ Michael Linderman } \seealso{ \code{\link{SPADE.addDensityToFCS}} } \note{ Underlying implementations have been parallelized with OpenMP. Set \code{OMP_NUM_THREADS} in environment to control the number of threads used. } \examples{ # Not run ## Load two-parameters sample data included in package #data_file_path = paste(installed.packages()["spade","LibPath"],"spade","extdata","SimulatedRawData.fcs",sep=.Platform$file.sep) #output_dir <- tempdir() # ## Compute and annotate FCS file with density #density_file_path <- paste(output_dir,.Platform$file.sep,basename(data_file_path),".density.fcs",sep="") #SPADE.addDensityToFCS(data_file_path, density_file_path, cols=c("marker1","marker2")) ## Downsample FCS file based on density #downsample_file_path <- paste(output_dir,.Platform$file.sep,basename(data_file_path),".density.fcs",sep="") #SPADE.downsampleFCS(density_file_path, downsample_file_path) }