\name{convert.snpMatrix} \alias{convert.snpMatrix} \alias{convert.snpMatrix.dir} \title{ Convert \code{snpMatrix} objects to \code{snpStats} objects } \description{ These functions convert \code{snpMatrix} objects to \code{snpStats} objects. \code{convert.snpMatrix} converts a single object, while \code{convert.snpMatrix.dir} converts all stored elements in a specified directory. They really only change the class names since most of the classes in \code{snpStats} are backwards-compatible with \code{snpMatrix}. The exception is the \code{ImputationRules} class; \code{imputation.rules} objects will need to be regenerated. } \usage{ convert.snpMatrix(object) convert.snpMatrix.dir(dir = ".", ext = "RData") } \arguments{ \item{object}{ Object to be converted } \item{dir}{ A directory containing saved \code{snpMatrix} objects } \item{ext}{ The file extension for files containing such objects } } \value{ \code{convert.snpMatrix} returns the converted object. \code{convert.snpMatrix.dir} rewrites the files in place. } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \keyword{classes}