\name{sim.singleChannel} \alias{sim.singleChannel} \title{ Simulate data from a single channel microarray experiment } \description{ Simulates single channel data used as an example for snm function call. } \usage{ sim.singleChannel(seed) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{seed}{Numeric value used to seed random number generator.} } \details{ Simulated data set influenced by a single probe-specific biological, two probe-specific adjustment variables, and intensity-dependent array effects. Data were simulated for a total of 25,000 probes and 50 arrays. The biological variable is a dichotomous variable specifying two groups (Group 1 and Group 2), with 25 arrays sampled from each group. The dichtomous probe-specific adjustment variables has 5 different levels and mimics a batch effect. The 5 batches each contain 10 samples, and are balanced with respect to the biological grouping factor. The continuous probe-specific adjustment variable is sampled from a Normal(1,0.1) and mimics an age effect. The baseline probe intensities were sampled from a chi(1,2) distribution. Any baseline intensities greater than 15 were set to a random value from the interval [15,16]. The random variation terms were sampled from a Normal(0,0.25) and the array functions were defined by randomly sampling coefficients for a two-dimensional B-spline basis functions from a Normal(0,1). Randomly selected subsets of 30\%, 10\%, and 20\% of the probes were defined as influenced by the biological groups, batch, and age variables, respectfully. The magnitude of the biological effects were sampled from a Normal(1,0.3) distribution, the probe-specific batch effects from a Normal(0,0.3) and the probe-specific age effects from a Normal(1,0.1). An instance of this simulated data can be generated using the code in the examples section below. } \value{ \item{\code{raw.data}}{a 25,000 by 50 matrix of simulated data generated according to the description above.} \item{\code{true.nulls}}{a vector of indices corresponding to the rows in raw.data of the probes unaffected by the biological variable of interest} \item{\code{bio.var}}{a model matrix of the biological variable of interest.} \item{\code{adj.var}}{a model matrix of the adjustment variables} \item{\code{int.var}}{a data frame of the intensity-dependent adjustment variables} } \author{ Brig Mecham } \seealso{ \code{\link{snm}}, \code{\link{sim.doubleChannel}}, \code{\link{sim.preProcessed}}, \code{\link{sim.refDesign}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ singleChannel <- sim.singleChannel(12345) snm.obj <- snm(singleChannel$raw.data, singleChannel$bio.var, singleChannel$adj.var, singleChannel$int.var) ks.test(snm.obj$pval[singleChannel$true.nulls],"punif") } } \keyword{datagen}