\name{sim.preProcessed} \alias{sim.preProcessed} \title{ Simulate data from a microarray experiment without any intensity-dependent effects. } \description{ Simulated data set influenced by a single probe-specific biological and two probe-specific adjustment variables. This parameters for this data are identical to single channel simulated data available as sim.singleChannel(seed) with the difference that this example does not include the intensity-dependent effects. Consult the corresponding help file for details on this simulation. } \usage{ sim.preProcessed(seed) } \arguments{ \item{seed}{Numeric value used to seed random number generator.} } \value{ \item{\code{raw.data}}{a 25,000 by 50 matrix of simulated data generated according to the description above.} \item{\code{true.nulls}}{a vector of indices corresponding to the rows in raw.data of the probes unaffected by the biological variable of interest} \item{\code{bio.var}}{a model matrix of the biological variable of interest.} \item{\code{adj.var}}{a model matrix of the adjustment variables} \item{\code{int.var}}{set to NULL} } \author{ Brig Mecham } \seealso{ \code{\link{snm}}, \code{\link{sim.doubleChannel}}, \code{\link{sim.singleChannel}}, \code{\link{sim.refDesign}} } \examples{ preProcessed <- sim.preProcessed(12347) snm.obj <- snm(preProcessed$raw.data, preProcessed$bio.var, preProcessed$adj.var, rm.adj=TRUE) ks.test(snm.obj$pval[preProcessed$true.nulls],"punif") } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{datagen}