\name{profilesPlot} \alias{profilesPlot} \title{ CN-GE profiles plot } \description{ Plots a sample's copy number and gene expression data side-by-side. This visualizes the relation between CN and GE within an individual sample. } \usage{ profilesPlot(CNdata, GEdata, sampleNo, chr = 0, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{CNdata}{ Object of class \code{\link{cghCall}}, containing (among others) annotion and call probabilities. Features should be matched with those of the accompanying \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}-object (as may be done using the \code{\link{matchCGHcall2ExpressionSet}}-function). } \item{GEdata}{ Object of class \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}. Features should be matched with those of the accompanying \code{cghCall}-object (as may be done using the \code{\link{matchCGHcall2ExpressionSet}}-function). } \item{sampleNo}{ Sample number of sample to be plotted. Corresponds to the order in which samples appear the \code{CNdata}- and \code{GEdata}-objects. } \item{chr}{ Chromosome number for which the profiles are to be plotted. Default \code{chr=0} for whole genome plotting. } \item{verbose}{ Logical indicator: should intermediate output be printed on the screen? } } \details{ The blue lines in the gene expression profile plot are the median expressions of genes that map to the same copy number segment. } \author{ Wessel N. van Wieringen: \email{w.vanwieringen@vumc.nl} } \seealso{ \code{\link{cghCall}}, \code{\link{ExpressionSet}} } \examples{ # load data data(pollackCN16) data(pollackGE16) # plot CN and GE profiles alongside profilesPlot(pollackCN16, pollackGE16, 23, 16) }