\name{hdMI} \alias{hdMI} \title{ Mutual information estimation. } \description{ The mutual information between two high-dimensional mutivariate random variables is estimated from two (high-dimensional matrix) under a normality or k-NN distributional assumption. } \usage{ hdMI(Y, X, method = "normal", k = 1, center = TRUE, rescale = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{Y}{ (High-dimensional) matrix. Columns are assumed to represent the samples, and rows represent the samples' genes or traits. } \item{X}{ (High-dimensional) matrix. Columns are assumed to represent the samples, and rows represent the samples' genes or traits. The number of columns of \code{X} must be identical to that of \code{Y}. } \item{method}{ Distributional assumption under which mutual information is to be estimated. } \item{k}{ k-nearest neighbor parameter. } \item{center}{ Logical indicator: should the rows of \code{Y} and \code{X} be centered at zero? Applied only under the normality assumption. } \item{rescale}{ Logical indicator: should \code{Y} and \code{X} be rescaled to have the same scale? Applied only under the k-NN assumption. } } \value{ The mutual information estimate is returned as a \code{numeric}. } \references{ Van Wieringen, W.N., Van der Vaart, A.W. (2011), "Statistical analysis of the cancer cell's molecular entropy using high-throughput data", \emph{Bioinformatics}, 27(4), 556-563. } \author{ Wessel N. van Wieringen: \email{w.vanwieringen@vumc.nl} } \seealso{ \code{\link{mutInfTest}}. } \examples{ data(pollackCN16) data(pollackGE16) hdMI(t(exprs(pollackGE16)), t(copynumber(pollackCN16)), method="knn") }