\name{ExpressionSet2subset} \alias{ExpressionSet2subset} \title{ Subsetting ExpressionSet-objects. } \description{ Limit an \code{\link{ExpressionSet}} object to a subset of its features. } \usage{ ExpressionSet2subset(GEdata, featureSubset, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{GEdata}{ Object of class \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}. } \item{featureSubset}{ Object of class \code{numeric}, containing the row numbers of features to be maintained in the \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}-object.} \item{verbose}{ Logical indicator: should intermediate output be printed on the screen? } } \value{ Object of class \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}, restricted to the specified subset of features. } \author{ Wessel N. van Wieringen: \email{w.vanwieringen@vumc.nl} } \seealso{ \code{\link{ExpressionSet}}. } \examples{ # load data data(pollackGE16) # order the copy number data genomically pollackGE16 <- ExpressionSet2subset(pollackGE16, c(1:50)) }