\name{readBiclusterResults} \alias{readBiclusterResults} \title{Import bicluster results from plain text files} \description{ This function complements the functionality of \code{\link{writeBiclusterResults}} in the \code{biclust} package. It constructs a \code{\linkS4class{Biclust}} object from a plain text file. } \usage{ readBiclusterResults(filename, featureNames, sampleNames, delimiter = ";", ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Character, name of the file storing biclustering information} \item{featureNames}{Optional character vector, feature names of the underlying expression dataset. See details.} \item{sampleNames}{Optional character vector, sample names of the underlying expression dataset. See details.} \item{delimiter}{Character used to separate features, samples and counts of them.} \item{\dots}{Other parameters passed to the \code{\link{readLines}} function.} } \details{ Currently output files written by the \code{writeBiclusterResults} function does not contain original feature names or sample names in the expression dataset from which biclusters were mined. The \code{featureNames} and \code{sampleNames} allow to use this information to construct a \code{\linkS4class{Biclust}} object that has the same dimension as the original expression dataset. } \value{ A \code{\linkS4class{Biclust}} object } \author{ Jitao David Zhang } \seealso{ In case several biclustering algorithms were applied to the same expression dataset, they can be combined with \code{\link{combineBiclusts}} once the results were read from plain texts. } \examples{ temp <- tempfile() data(BicatYeast) res <- biclust(BicatYeast, method=BCBimax(), number=5) writeBiclusterResults(temp, res,"CC with delta 1.5",dimnames(BicatYeast)[[1]],dimnames(BicatYeast)[[2]], delimiter=";") res.back <- readBiclusterResults(temp, delimiter=";") res.full.back <- readBiclusterResults(temp,featureNames=rownames(BicatYeast), sampleNames=colnames(BicatYeast),delimiter=";") }