\name{generators} \alias{generatorAddSquare} \alias{generatorAdd} \alias{generatorMultiply} \alias{generatorTrunc} \alias{generatorSynth} \alias{generatorPeak} \title{ Generators for synt data and } \description{Various generators for experiments. } \usage{ generatorAddSquare(nd, deg, length.prop=0.5) generatorAdd(nd, deg, length.prop=0.5) generatorMultiply(nd, deg, length.prop=0.5) generatorTrunc(nd,deg) generatorSynth(nd, deg, length.prop=0.5) generatorPeak(nd, deg, sr=10, mult=10) } \arguments{ \item{nd}{nucleotide distribution object } \item{deg}{ degeneration level for the output profile } \item{length.prop}{ a fraction of the genome region to be degenerated - (0,1) } \item{sr}{ distance from the 5' end for the peak } \item{mult}{ multiplier - how many times the peak is supposed to be higher than the maximum of the distribution } Generators of synthetic and semi-synthetic coverage profiles, for RNA-seq measures testing. } \author{ Anna Lesniewska,Michal Okoniewski } \examples{ rs <- newSeqReads('chr2', 220238268, 220254744, -1) f <- c("test1.bam", "test2.bam", "test3.bam", "test4.bam", "test5.bam") ff <- sapply(f, function(x) system.file("extdata", x, package = "rnaSeqMap")) rs <- getBamData(rs, 1:5, files = ff) nd <- getCoverageFromRS(rs, 1:5) generatorTrunc(nd,0.5) }