\name{addBamData} \alias{addBamData} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{addBamData - getting sample data from BAM file. } \description{ Add data from experimental samples stored in BAM file. } \usage{ addBamData(rs, file, exp, phenoDesc=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{rs}{SeqReads object to modify } \item{file}{BAM file to read } \item{exp}{Numbers of sample slot in the object } \item{phenoDesc}{A vector to add to phenoData } } \value{ SeqReads object with samples added from the BAM files. List of BAM files comes from the covdesc. The covdesc content becomes phenoData of the object. } \author{ Michal Okoniewski, Anna Lesniewska } \examples{ if (xmapConnected()) { rs <- newSeqReads(1,1,20000,1) rs <- addBamData(rs,1:3) } }