\name{NucleotideDistr-class} \alias{NucleotideDistr-class} \alias{newNuctleotideDistr} \alias{distribs} \alias{getDistr} \docType{class} \title{Numeric distributions by nucleotide - class} \description{ An S4 class that inherits from \code{eSet} and holds all the numeric distributions of functions defined over the genome. The values may include coverage, splicing, fold change, etc. for a region defined by genomic coordinates. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects of this class contain (at least) the following list components: \code{chr}: numeric matrix containing the read counts. \code{start}: data.frame containing the library size and group labels. \code{end}: data.frame containing the library size and group labels. \code{strand}: data.frame containing the library size and group labels. \code{start}: data.frame containing the library size and group labels. } \seealso{SeqReads, NDtransforms} \section{Methods}{ \code{distribs} gives the matrix of distributions from \code{assayData} \code{getDistr} gives a single distributions from \code{assayData} as a vector \code{newNuctleotideDistr (distribs, chr, start, end, strand, type="UNKNOWN", phenoData=NULL, featureData=NULL)} constructor from a matrix of data and chromosome coordinates. } \author{Anna Lesniewska, Michal Okoniewski} \keyword{classes}